Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Letter to Mason!

My Dear Mason,
You recently turned 6 years old (yes 6 years old), it is so hard for me to believe.
I still remember the long night with you sleeping in my arm when you where sick and how you always needed you mom. Now it has changed you need and want your dad just as much or more and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the fact that you are so close and look up to your dad so much because your dad is a good dad and so many children don't receive that privileged.

What a year it has been with Madelyn's new diagnoses and all that encompasses that, the change in your dad's job, and losing your Great Grandfather Hurst. You were and are such a star in dealing with Maddy's epilepsy. The long days in the Hospital, the doctor appointments, and most of all helping out and being such a good big brother when it was needed, you are truly my hero.

Experiencing death was a new thing for you this year as we lost our beloved Grandfather. I will never forget your questions about where Grandpa Hurst is and why he is not with us anymore, what a blessing to me to have your spirit in my life to help me endure the lose of my grandfather. The thought of your handsome little face staring at grandpa in his casket and saying that grandpa is going to come back will always tug at my heart.

Mason you have always had such a special spirit about you and I thank Heavenly Father every day that you were blessing to come to our family. You are truly a light in my life and pray that I can be the best mom for you. I have and will always love you!

Much Love,

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